SALT Triage

Step 1: Global Sorting

  • Unable to Move or Obvious Life Threat? Assess 1st
  • Able to Wave or Make Purposeful Movements? Assess 2nd
  • Able to Walk? Assess 3rd

Step 2: Individual Assessment

Perform Lifesaving Interventions

If necessary and within scope of practice

  • Control major hemmorrhage
  • Open airway (and provide rescue breaths to children, if necessary)
  • Chest decompression
  • Auto-injector antidotes


Triage Tag Explanation
Victim is deceased or is not expected to survive due to the severity of their injuries.
Victim has severe injuries requiring immediate treatment.
Victim has potentially severe injuries, but treatment can be delayed up to a few hours.
Victim has minor injuries not requiring immediate treatment.

First, sort patients by requesting any patients that are able to walk to move to a designated area, clearing space for responders to access more critical patients. Second, ask the remaining patients to wave or make some purposeful movement. Any patients that did not make a purposeful movement should be assessed first (highest likelihood of life-threatening injury), followed by those who were able to make a purposeful movement but unable to walk, and the patients who were able to walk last.

Perform any of the following interventions if indicated and within scope of practice: Control major hemorrhage, open airway (rescue breaths if pediatric), chest decompression, auto-injector antidotes.

SALT Triage

See a visual diagram of the SALT Triage algorithm.

Go to Flowchart
  1. SALT mass casualty triage: concept endorsed by the American College of Emergency Physicians, American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma, American Trauma Society, National Association of EMS Physicians, National Disaster Life Support Education Consortium, and State and Territorial Injury Prevention Directors Association. (2008). Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness, 2(4), 245–246.
  2. US Department of Health & Human Services. (2022, November 16). SALT Mass Casualty Triage Algorithm. Chemical Hazards Emergency Medical Management. Retrieved from