Triage Tag Explanation
Victim is deceased or is not expected to survive due to the severity of their injuries.
Victim has severe injuries requiring immediate treatment.
Victim has potentially severe injuries, but treatment can be delayed up to a few hours.
Victim has minor injuries not requiring immediate treatment.

START References

  1. Benson, M., Koenig, K. L., & Schultz, C. H. (1996). Disaster triage: START, then SAVE -- a new method of dynamic triage for victims of a catastrophic earthquake. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine, 11(2), 117–124.
  2. Community Emergency Response Team. (2005, August 12). START - Simple Triage and Rapid Treatment. Los Angeles Fire Department Disaster Preparedness Section. Retrieved from
  3. US Department of Health & Human Services. (2022, November 16). START Adult Triage Algorithm. Chemical Hazards Emergency Medical Management. Retrieved from

JumpSTART References

  1. Romig L. E. (2002). Pediatric triage. A system to JumpSTART your triage of young patients at MCIs. JEMS: Journal of Emergency Medical Services, 27(7), 52–63.
  2. US Department of Health & Human Services. (2022, November 16). JumpSTART Pediatric Triage Algorithm. Chemical Hazards Emergency Medical Management. Retrieved from

SALT References

  1. SALT mass casualty triage: concept endorsed by the American College of Emergency Physicians, American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma, American Trauma Society, National Association of EMS Physicians, National Disaster Life Support Education Consortium, and State and Territorial Injury Prevention Directors Association. (2008). Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness, 2(4), 245–246.
  2. US Department of Health & Human Services. (2022, November 16). SALT Mass Casualty Triage Algorithm. Chemical Hazards Emergency Medical Management. Retrieved from


MCI Triage was initially created as a senior project at The Ohio State University and has been maintained ever since.
Created by Ben Weitzel, BS, NREMT
Special Thanks to Aram Dobalian, PhD, Nicole McAllister, DO, and Madison Frank, PA-S.